All of your client data is in one place
Can I create a new customer intake form?Using Custom Fields and Forms to Collect Customer Data
How do I delete a customer?Deleting and archiving customer accounts
How do I see my archived customers?Access your archived customer list
Bulk archiving multiple customersTidy up your Active Customers list and bulk archive your inactive customers.
Entering Preferred PronounsPunchpass supports the ability for customers to identify and edit their pronouns.
Customer Health Status InformationKeeping important customer health notes within reach
Customer BirthdaysAdding and managing customer birthdays with Punchpass.
Adding External Documents to Customer ProfilesHow to link documents, training plans, and external forms to a customer account
Working with Customer TagsAdd context and categorize customer accounts with tags
Can I keep notes about my clients?Add routine notes to accounts & flag them when they need special handling
Handling bounced emailsHow Punchpass flags customer emails that have bounced, how we let you know, and what you can do about them.
How can I track my students' COVID-19 vaccination status?We're brainstorming new options to help track your students' COVID-19 vaccination status but here are a few methods you can use right away.
View Your Account History as a CustomerReviewing class attendances and full/expired passes from your customer account
For Customers: How to Download and Print Your ReceiptsLearn how to easily download receipts for your purchases.