As hard as we try bad email addresses will get into the system. When we try to send an email to them, the email 'bounces'. That means it was returned to us with an error saying the email was bad. That can range from a misspelling (gmail.con instead of .com), missing characters, or simply old email addresses that no longer work.
When this happens, Punchpass will mark the customer's account as having a bounced email. This will stop the system from trying to send them any future emails.
Identifying if a customer has a bounced email address
There are several places you can check on an email address to see if it's bounced.
Over in the Customer Account, click the Info tab. The system will show a warning message for any bounced email addresses.
2. In the Reports section, check the Emails Sent Report.
This report will show a Bounced Email message next to any accounts where email addresses bounced.
Managing bounced email addresses
There are two things you should do.
1. Check the spelling
Are there any obvious issues with the email?
Did they misspell .com? Put the @ symbol twice? Missing a period?
Often the mistake is obvious. If you go ahead and edit the customer account and change the email, Punchpass will automatically resume sending to them.
2. Ask them to confirm their preferred email address
Let them know their email had a problem and confirm what the correct one should be. Edit their customer account, modify the email address, and Punchpass will resume sending.
Do they claim the email is correct?
Go ahead and edit their account and add a space at the end of the email. That will let Punchpass start sending again. Note - old emails that were not delivered are NOT saved.
Staying on top of bounced emails
Managing your customer emails can definitely be a hassle at times!
But just remember that email is the best way to reach your customers, so it's worth the effort to keep your customer list up to date.