When a customer reaches out and says they're having trouble signing into Punchpass and want to make a reservation. What can you do?
Don't panic! As an admin user, you can always make a reservation for a customer. But first, let's check on their account.
How to Review Login Issues from the Admin Side
Step 1. Check to see if the customer has an account.
From the Customers section, you can search by name or by email address.
If they don't have an account, you can press the + New Customer button and create an account for them using their preferred email address.
Step 2. Confirm the email address with the customer.
Sometimes there are typos, and sometimes people create accounts with different email addresses and forget!
Need to update the email address?
Click to the Info tab, press the Edit Info button.
You can change their email address to update their login, press Save.
Did the customer create multiple accounts?
You can merge them, here's our guide on merging accounts.
Step 3. Check to see if they have created a login.
If your customer has an account, click on the Info tab. Customers will be flagged as not having a login if they haven't completed the account setup process or if an admin created an account for the customer.
You can send them an email invitation to do this by clicking the More menu and selecting the option to Invite Customer to Create a Login. This sends them an email with a button to create an account.
You can also direct them to the public schedule and suggest they press the Create Account button.
Trouble Creating a Customer Account as a Student
To create an account with a studio in Punchpass, a new customer will visit the schedule for the business and press the Create Account button or the Join Studio button they see at the top of the page.
If you're a student and having trouble creating a customer account with a business, it might be that you've signed up for an account with the Punchpass app by visiting https://app.punchpass.com/ and still need to sign up with the specific studio.
If you're a student who created an app login, you can create a customer account by:
Signing into the Punchpass app,
Visiting the studio schedule and pressing the Create Account or Join Studio button
If you're still having trouble creating an account:
Studios can also always manually create a customer account and send an invitation to complete the sign-up process for customers. Please reach out to the studio to assist!
Trouble Signing In with Safari
If you are using Punchpass on Safari and experiencing any issues logging in/getting logged out, please keep reading!
You may have the option selected to "block all cookies" in Safari, which could impact creating a login, logging in and staying logged in with Google. The team is working on a fix, but in the meantime:
Try using a different browser like Chrome or Firefox
From Safari on a desktop: Settings > Privacy > Advanced > turn off the checkbox for "Block all cookies"
For mobile Safari, the setting is a little harder to find and turn off, here is Apple's how-to: https://support.apple.com/en-us/105082
How to Reset an Account Password
If a customer has a login created (you can confirm this from their Customer account and clicking the Info tab), but forgot their password, you'll want to direct them to the schedule, where they can click the Sign In button and then click Forgot my Password to reset it via email:
Send the Customer a Magic Login Link
If someone mentions they're having trouble using the reset password form, you can also send them an email that allows them to directly access their account and they'll be prompted to enter a new password, no reset required.
From the customer account, go the Info tab in their customer account, click the More button, and select the Fix Login & Email Customer Login Link option from the dropdown menu:
Need Additional Assistance?
If you need help resolving a customer login issue, please reach out to the Support team with the customer's name and email address. We're happy to take a look!