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How do I convert to Punchpass from Mindbody?
How do I convert to Punchpass from Mindbody?

You can export your current customers from MindBody & we'll import them into Punchpass for you.

Sharon avatar
Written by Sharon
Updated over 4 months ago

Are you coming to Punchpass from MindBody? Welcome! We'd love to help you move your current customers into Punchpass simply and smoothly. There are 3 steps to make it happen.

Step 1: Pull your current customer data from MindBody & send it to us

We recommend importing your customers who have an in-progress pass. Here's how to pull the "Visits Remaining Report" from MindBody for us to upload:

  1. Click Insights, then Reports:

  2. Click Client Reports, then Scroll down to click Visits Remaining:

  3. The Default Dates are for the past 2 months, you will want to expand to date range as wide you wish to cover your customers' active passes -at least 1 full year, if not longer!

  4. Adjust your Filters to include ALL Sale Locations, Service Categories, Pricing Options, and Client Types if you want to transfer ALL the data.

  5. Leave this as a Detail View, click GO under Generate and then click Export to Excel.

Then you can send that file to us & we'll upload it for you. You can email this to [email protected]. You must have a Punchpass subscription prior to the upload.

Step 2: Review the imported data

Take a look at your Active Passes report & do a double-check of the passes that were converted to Punchpass. They will be named 'Converted' so you can easily see which passes converted from MindBody:

You may have a few updates to make if any customers attended class after you exported their data from MindBody.

Punchpass will have the name, email & phone number of everyone that was on your "visits remaining" export (if you stored it on MindBody). Punchpass will not have addresses or other data for these customers.

Step 3: Go LIVE with Punchpass

Now you've got current pass data for your customers in Punchpass, and you can start using Punchpass for daily attendance. Woo Hoo!

What about my customers who don't have current passes?

The conversion process outlined above won't include customers you've served in the past. We'd be glad to import additional customer data for you. Just export your email list from MindBody and pass it along as a spreadsheet, email us at [email protected] and we'll get that uploaded for you.

We've found that many businesses have a lot of inactive customers cluttering their MindBody customer lists. Now is a good time to review and clean up your old data & transfer only those customers who have attended in the recent past.

While Punchpass can certainly handle thousands of customers, it makes things like taking attendance a bit slower if you have that many names in the list.

Don't worry too much about keeping data on customers you haven't seen in awhile.  Every time a customer reserves a spot in class or buys a pass using Punchpass, that person is added to your customer list automatically if you don't have someone with that email already. So you'll find that your customer list grows really quickly as folks start to use the system. It's also super easy to add a new customer & sell them a pass while you're taking attendance.

We'd recommend that you keep all of those old names in your email marketing system (MailChimp, etc.). You can continue to stay in touch with all of your past, present & future customers that way.

What about my old sales & attendance records?

We recommend starting fresh with Punchpass -- just save your prior reports on sales/attendance. Pick a date to convert & "go live" with Punchpass so you know that everything before that date is on your old system.

What about renewing memberships that are ongoing with MindBody?

The MindBody memberships will need to be canceled to stop new payments from being processed.

The Visits Remaining Report will include the most current pay period for your members. If you provide Punchpass with the report, this will be uploaded as a Converted Pass in Punchpass, so customers will get their last payment covered in the move to the new platform.

If you wish to use Punchpass and Stripe for renewing membership payments, you can choose one of these approaches to get them going:

1) Convert memberships for your customers. You can set up the memberships for your customers and request their card information to continue payments in the new system. Click the link to access the step-by-step process!

2) Ask your customers to renew their memberships online. Your customers can go to your Punchpass page to set up their membership through your new system! They can also set the date for when they want their membership to start, so they can choose to keep their usual renew date if they wish! You can also go into your customer's membership to adjust the renewal date.

3) Take care of it in-studio. Start new memberships for the affected customers in Punchpass using your admin login. You can adjust the initial renewal date to coincide with the first payment you'd like to collect via Stripe. Then you can collect your customers' credit card information (call them or talk to them next time they're in the studio) to keep them on track. You must collect their credit card information before the initial renewal date to avoid any interruption in the payment schedule.

More information on setting up automated invoicing with Stripe

I can't find the Visits Remaining Report in MindBody...?

If you have a very basic MindBody plan, they may not give you access to the Visits Remaining Report. We'll work around that! Just export your email list from MindBody and pass it along as a spreadsheet. We'll get that uploaded for you.

Your existing pass data (such as number of visits left) is something that you can also add to each customer after your customers are in Punchpass. It's an easy process...and it only has to be done once! Here's how to do it.

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