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Transitioning Memberships from Another Service to Punchpass
Transitioning Memberships from Another Service to Punchpass

Import memberships from your current service into Punchpass

Victoria avatar
Written by Victoria
Updated over 3 months ago

If you had memberships before moving to Punchpass, you will want to transition your current members into the new system. If you are currently using Stripe for payments, we can help connect your existing member payments! If you are not currently using Stripe, you will need to manually assign the memberships and direct members to update their credit card information.

Existing Stripe Users

Here's an overview of the steps to take:

  • Create your membership offers in Punchpass, here's our guide to setting up memberships in Punchpass. These membership details should match your existing offers exactly: name, price, pass length, etc.

  • Connect Stripe to Punchpass, here's our guide to adding Stripe to Punchpass.

    • If you're transitioning to a new Stripe account and need to copy your customer information, please work with Stripe to migrate your data to a new Stripe account.

  • Provide the following information to [email protected] in a spreadsheet:

    • Customer First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

    • Membership Name

    • Next Membership Renewal Date

    • Membership End Date (if this is set, if you wish it to renew until canceled, leave blank)

Migrating Memberships from a Non-Stripe Platform

If your current provider is not using Stripe, you can still make the switch to Punchpass with members! This process is more manual, but

1) Assigning the Membership to the Customer

From the customer account, assign the membership by pressing the Assign Membership button.

2) Select the membership payment method

When assigning the membership, you'll select the payment method and the start date.

If the membership will be paid by something other than Stripe

  • How is the customer paying? Select the option for Cash, check, etc.

  • Have you received payment for the first pass issued by the membership? Select this checkbox if you have, otherwise the membership will be marked as unpaid and you can collect payment separately.

  • How have you collected payment? From the dropdown, select the payment method the customer will be using.

  • Email a receipt. If you have collected payment and/or would like to email a receipt when assigning the pass, select this option. You can email a receipt at a later time.

You'll want to regularly check your Memberships Report and mark these members as paid each time you receive payment. Click here for more info on non-Stripe memberships.

If the membership is going to be paid with Stripe

When assigning a membership that will be paid with Stripe, Punchpass will attempt to automatically collect payment each time the membership renews. You have a couple of options for entering the card information:

If the customer is in front of you, you can enter their payment information then and there, by selecting the option for Paying with Card.

If you're planning to invoice the customer or collect payment at a later time, please select the following options:

  • How is the customer paying? Select the option for Cash, check, etc.

  • Have you received payment for the first pass issued by the membership? As we're attaching payment later, this checkbox will not be selected.

  • Email a receipt. As the customer hasn't paid yet, this will not be selected.

3) Select the membership start date

Select their most recent renewal date for the Start Date to keep their pay schedule the same! Then click Assign Membership.

Collecting Payment for Stripe Memberships

Once the membership is assigned, it's time to set up payment.

Adding a payment method in person

From the customer account, you can click on the membership to open the details page and select Convert Membership to Credit Card Charge.

From here, you can either add the card information if you have it, or copy the link to share with the customer so they can add their payment information online:

When customers click the link to add their credit card information themselves, they will go to a page to add their card information.

Email everyone in bulk to add a payment method

You can also use the Memberships Report to email everyone and ask them to enter their payment method.

When a customer signs into their account, they can add a payment method to their membership by clicking on the My Memberships button.

Their membership will have a prompt to add payment.

Make sure they add their information before the membership start date!

When the membership begins, their card will be charged for their first membership pass in Punchpass. You will receive an email notification when the customer has entered their payment information if you need to take additional steps. Check Reports > Memberships to keep an eye on the Payment Type, this will change to Stripe once they add their payment information.

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