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Editing a Recurring Class

Making changes to your class timetable is easy in Punchpass!

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

If you've got a regular class on your schedule that you need to make changes to, that's easy to do!

In this article we'll talk about how to edit a recurring class schedule, but you can also edit individual classes and edit a series of classes as well.

How Do I Edit a Recurring Class?

To start, visit Manage > Classes, click on the class name, and press the Manage the Schedule button:

This opens the recurring class schedule. Click the Edit button to modify a specific class time.

Making Changes to a Recurring Class

When making a change to a recurring class, you'll be editing the settings for all of the classes that occur at this time. Here's what you can change:

  • Change Details: to edit class time, instructor, the location (or the custom filter option you have selected for the class).

  • Change End Date or Delete: adjust or add an end date or delete the classtime

  • Online Class Settings: turning a class online or offline. Click here to learn about this process!

  • Mark a Class as Free

Changing the Details

Note: In this example, you'll see that Location is what we've set up as the demo custom filter. This might be called something else in your account if you've changed this filter to be for another purpose.

Here is where you can change the instructor, location, or class start time.

You can also set the date for when you want those changes to occur:

Managing the Locations or Custom Filter Options

You can create a new option for the location dropdown by navigating to Manage Settings, and selecting the Public Schedule section; scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button Manage Filter.

Add the new location as an option and you'll be ready to update the recurring class.

Changing the End Date or Deleting the Class Time

If you want to add/edit the end the class time or delete it from your schedule, click here:

Then, you can pick an end date, with the option to remove reservations after that date. Or you can select to delete it with all future classtimes currently on your schedule.

Change the Online Class Settings

Note: The label you'll see for the button in this section will depend on whether you've set up the class as an in-person or as an online class! All recurring classes are set up as in-person by default.

Punchpass allows you to change an in-person class into an online class and an online class back into an in-person class at any time.

If you're using the Zoom integration with Punchpass, you'll see a message to turn the online class on or off. Learn more about setting up Zoom with Punchpass here.

If you're using another service or a custom link for your online classes because you use a service like Whereby, Google Meet, or prefer to use the same link for all of your online classes, you'll see the option to enter that URL when turning the recurring class time into an online class. Learn more about using custom links for online classes here.

Marking a Class as Free

You also have the option to turn all of the recurring classes into free classes or not!

Select the date you'd like to turn the class into a free class and press the button.

Important Note About Reservations

Punchpass will let you modify the start time of classes that have reservations.  We show you which classes on your schedule will be affected, but we do NOT alert your customers about the change.  

Notifying customers about the change in schedule

If you change a class it is wise to let your customers know as well. You can either go to the particular class instances to email customers, or go to Reports > Upcoming Reservations and use that report to select and email customers about a change.

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