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How can I customize my public Punchpass pages?
How can I customize my public Punchpass pages?

Punchpass gives you lots of ways to customize your public pages to make them work better for your business and your customers.

Claire avatar
Written by Claire
Updated over 2 months ago

We give you lots of opportunities to make Punchpass feel like an integrated and cohesive extension of your business. 

Here are some great ways to customize your public Punchpass web pages, use your own voice in your emails to customers and make Punchpass a seamless part of your social media presence. 

Customize your Punchpass Link to Easily Your Business

Make it easier to share your studio schedule! When you first sign up for Punchpass we create a public website link for customers to access your schedule and pass information. It will look something like this:

Personalize this link to something specific to your business by visiting Manage > Settings > Public Web Pages.

An example of a personalized link is:

Tips for Choosing Your Custom URL

Creating Links to Other Areas of Your Nusiness

You can also add some qualifiers to the end of your link to direct folks to a specific version of your Punchpass page. For example:

The link for the list view of your timetable: – this is also the default view and the only view available on mobile devices.

The link to the calendar view of your timetable:

The link to the Purchase a Pass page: – if you're set up to sell passes online with Stripe.

The link to your content library, if you have one:

The link to your appointments calendar, if you have one:

Sharing the Link to A Particular Class

If you to want to create a direct link to a particular class or workshop or then you can do that too. Just grab the custom link from the class details page:

If you have your Punchpass timetable embedded on your website you can also tweak your embed code to show different versions of your timetable - here's more on how to do that.

You can also use your link to have your customers add one-touch access to Punchpass from their phone or tablet (so they can use it as an app) - here's more on how to do that.

Use your Custom Punchpass Link to Share on Facebook and Instagram

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Public Web Pages 

Once you've created your custom link (see above) you can use it to easily direct customers to your Punchpass class and pass information - even if you don't have a website. 

Some places you could use your link:

  • Create a "Book Now" button at the top of your Facebook business page

  • Add the link to your Instagram profile

  • Add a "Book Now" or "View Our Pricing" etc button to your website

  • Include your links in email newsletters and social media posts (this is really handy when you're promoting a specific class or special event - you can add the link to take your students straight to the right place) 

Use your Custom Punchpass Link with your Google My Business Listing

You can use your Punchpass link under the "Appointments" option in your Google My Business listing so people can go right to your bookings page from their search results. 

Just sign into your Google My Business listing (don't have one yet? It's a great tool, click here to find out more) then click "Info", then add your Punchpass webpage link as the "Appointments" URL and click "Apply" to save.

Google sometimes takes a few days to approve changes so make sure you check back to confirm the link is working correctly.

Add a Company Logo 

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Public Web Pages 

We display your logo at the top of your public schedule and pass purchase pages and it's also automatically added to any emails that go out to your customers from Punchpass. The recommended size for your uploaded logo is around 350w x 140h using a JPG or PNG file format.

If your customer clicks on your logo from within your Punchpass pages then we want to direct them to your website. Make sure that you have entered a valid web address (starting with http:// or https://) in your "General Settings"

If you don't have a website you could use your business Facebook page (or Instagram) URL here.

Customize the Color Scheme for Your Logged-in Customers!

You can find this option under Manage Settings > Public Web Pages

Set the color theme for your Logged-In Member pages. Once updated, sign in as a customer, have a look and update again until you are happy with the colors!

Embedding your schedule on your website? The theme color will carry through to your embedded timetables too.

To see the color examples, click here!

Customize the Text at the Top of Your Punchpass Schedule

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Public Schedule

Your class schedule is generally the first thing your customers will see when they visit your Punchpass pages. The information you provide at the top of this page is a great way to communicate any updates, special offers, booking terms, new classes etc that you want your customers to be aware of before making a booking.

You can include images and links in this area and edit it as often as you like to keep the information fresh and relevant.

It's a good idea to always review any changes from the public side (using your public web pages - see above) so you know that you're making a good first impression!

Here's an example of some information you could include:

Customize the Text on Your Purchase a Pass Page (for Plans Connected to Stripe Only)

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Online Payments

Again, this is a great place to spell out any terms and conditions and let folks know about new passes and memberships or price changes etc. You can make it clear whether folks have to purchase online or if they have options to purchase passes when they come to class.

You can also let people know whether your prices include relevant taxes and charges. 

Here's an example of a pass purchase page:

Customize the Automated Emails to Your Customers 

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Customer Communications

You have the ability to change the subject line and content for the following automated emails: 

  • Pass purchase receipts

  • Pass expiration notices (optional setting) 

  • Reservation confirmations (if your plan supports registrations/class bookings)

These emails are a great place to remind customers about your policies and provide them with any additional information about your business. 

NOTE: Punchpass also sends (optional) automated reminder notices for reservations - that wording currently cannot be customized.

Apply Custom Class Colors to the Schedule

You can find this option under Manage > Classes

You can use class colors to designate class levels, and different teachers, to distinguish between ongoing classes and special events or just to make the appearance of your public pages better match your branding.

You can allocate a different color for each class type on your schedule. 

Here's what they look like:

How to adjust the color of the class on the schedule

Note: You'll also see this option when you set up a class for the first time.

From the list of classes, click on the class name to open the overview page.

From the Actions menu, press the Edit button to adjust the class settings.

You'll see the option to change the color towards the top.

Create a Menu to Sort Your Schedule Using our Custom Filter Feature

You can find this option under Manage Settings > Public Schedule

Punchpass allows you to create a custom filter, a dropdown menu that appears at the top of your schedule.

This filter allows your customers to filter the timetable and quickly find the information they need!

By default, we set this up as 'Locations' in Punchpass, but because the word 'Location' may not be relevant to your business you can change this dropdown menu to be anything you want and then create sub-categories to sort your timetable. Popular options include Class Level, Room Name, Session, Workshop, Group, etc.

Customers can then filter the schedule in a way that makes more sense for your business. 

Add a Custom Image to Share Your Class on Facebook

You can find this option under Manage > Settings > Public Web Pages

When you share your class information to Facebook from Punchpass we provide this default image for your post:

If your business is not yoga-oriented or you just want to use your own image, then you can upload it (click on "Save Uploads" when you've selected your file) - recommended dimensions are 1200x628 pixels.

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