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Marking Attendance
Why am I seeing reservations marked as 'Needs Pass' and attendances as 'No Pass! Assign One'?
Why am I seeing reservations marked as 'Needs Pass' and attendances as 'No Pass! Assign One'?

Managing No Pass Attendances

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

When taking class reservations, Punchpass tries to find a valid pass for a customer on their account.

Where you'll see 'No Pass' and 'Needs Pass' notices

The Class Details Pages

Before taking attendance that some customers appear as having a 'Needs Pass' label next to their name. When a pass isn't able to be matched to the class reservation, this label appears.

After taking attendance this 'Needs Pass' label turns into a 'No Pass! Assign One' button, showing the customers who were marked as having attended a class but had a 'Needs Pass' label next to their name (meaning Punchpass couldn't find a valid pass for that customer).

If you see a Needs Pass flag on the class details page:

  • Check to see if the customer has registered with a different email account

  • Before taking attendance, you can hover over the "Needs Pass" flag to display and the reason will display:

Attendances with No Pass Assigned Report

Navigate over to the Reports > Attendances with No Pass Assigned Report. This shows a list of customers who were marked as having attended a class but had a 'Needs Pass' label next to their name (meaning Punchpass couldn't find a valid pass for that customer).

  • You can hover over the question mark to view the reason.

Customer Accounts

When a customer has a history of attendances needing a pass, you'll see these classes listed in a section called "Class Attendances with No Pass" in the customer account:

  • You can also hover over the "?" icon to display the reason.

The scenarios that cause a 'Needs Pass' or 'No Pass! Assign One' notice to appear most often are:

  1. The pass was not eligible for the class type. Review your pass settings by navigating to Manage > Passes, selecting the pass, and checking the eligible classes.

  2. The pass was purchased after the class already occurred.

  3. Attendance wasn't marked in chronological order. If you mark Friday's classes before marking Thursday, and the pass is set to "active on first use," the pass isn't "active" for the class you are marking for attendance retroactively.

Luckily, it's easy to edit and fix this!

Assigning a Pass to an Attendance

You can edit attendance to change the pass assigned! There are a number of ways to get there:

  • Clicking on the class from the Attendances with No Pass Assigned Report.

  • From the customer account. From the Overview section, scrolling down to the Class Attedances with No Pass section, click on the class name, from their customer page and then press the Edit button.

Then, use the pass drop down to pick the pass and change the pass used:

Assigning a Pass from the Class Page

From the class page you can:

  • Change the pass assigned. Click the 3-dot icon next to their name and select the Change Pass option.

  • Apply active passes on the customer account by clicking on the 'No Pass! Assign One' button. This opens a pop-up window where you can create and select an active pass from the customer account.

When Assigning a Pass Manually

If you are manually assigning a pass to a customer, you can check off any of the past attendances you want to assign to the new pass:

Resolving Pass/ Class Ineligibility

You have the option to restrict the usage of certain passes to certain classes. But if that's not what you intended, you can fix your setup & you should see the problem go away.

You should go into Manage > Passes. Go into each of your pass types & click Eligible Classes to change the classes they should be valid for.

Once you've fixed your setup, that resolves the issue moving forward. However, you'll want to apply passes to the no pass attendances that already happened as a result!

Forgiving User Attendances

If you have a customer who has attended a class without a pass, you may want to 'Forgive' that attendance. Forgiving an attendance removes it from the 'No Pass' report, but leaves it marked as a no pass attendance. Here's how to forgive an attendance:

  1. Click on the attendance from the No Pass Assigned report

  2. Click the 'Mark As Forgiven' button

That's it - now the attendance will not be in the No Pass report. Instead, it will be listed in the Forgiven report. (Click on the Reports button, and it will be listed in the different reports.) Marked an attendance as Forgiven by mistake? Simple Edit the Attendance again and the button will now allow you to mark the attendance as Not Forgiven.

In general, we don't recommend using the Forgive Attendance option very often. But it can help you keep a clean No Pass report by getting rid of the occasional on-off attendance that you don't want to assign to a pass.

HOWEVER: If you haven't been keeping up with reviewing these and want to forgive them in bulk, please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected].

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions!

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