All Collections
Reduce your admin workload with automated tasks and customer messaging
The Welcome Email AutomationSend new customers a welcome email when they create an account
The Inactive New Customer AutomationCraft a friendly email to send to customers who haven't booked a reservation or purchased a pass
The Pass Purchased, but No Activity Reminder AutomationSend a friendly email to customers who bought a pass, but haven’t made a reservation after a set amount of time
The Birthday Reminder Email AutomationAutomatically send your customers a custom email on their birthday
The Send Email After Booking AutomationNeed to send special instructions for a specific class? Automatically notify customers with this supplemental purchase notification email
The Send Email After Pass Purchase AutomationNeed to send special instructions when someone purchases a certain pass? Automatically notify customers with this supplemental purchase notification email
The Expired Pass Reminder AutomationInvite customers to make another purchase with a thoughtful email
The Come Back Expired Pass AutomationReconnect with customers via email whose pass or membership has expired and who have not yet made a new purchase
The Birthday Assign Pass AutomationCelebrate customer birthdays by rewarding them with a gift pass
The Assign a New Customer a Specific Pass AutomationAssign a special pass to a new customer as soon as they create their account
The Assign Bonus Pass AutomationReward customers who purchase a special offer by giving them an extra pass
The Membership Assign Bonus Pass AutomationGift customers a special pass every time their membership renews