Creating an Automation to Assign a New Customer a Specific Pass
When a new customer is added/signs up, you can use this automation to automatically assign them a specific pass! This is ideal if you want to provide your new customers with a free trial or a free class.
From Manage > Passes > Automations, click Assign A New Customer A Specific Pass.
You can review the details of the automation and the steps for the automation process, and click Get Started to create it:
Steps 1 & 2: Define the Automation and Select Pass
Next, you'll:
Create a short name for the automation,
When should the automation begin? Select Enable if you'd like to start using the automation immediately or select Paused to save as a draft.
Select the pass you wish to automatically assign to new customers.
Then click Save Automation to finish!
If you have enabled this automation, you can test it by heading to Customers and creating a test customer account. Refresh the page to see the pass added to their account!