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Create a Discount Code

How to create and manage discount codes.

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over 4 months ago

A discount code is a series of letters, numbers, or a combination of both that customers can enter during the checkout process to receive a price reduction or special offer on their purchase. These codes are often used as promotional tools to incentivize purchases, reward customer loyalty, or encourage new customer sign-ups.

You might consider using a discount code if you're interested in offering special deals for the holidays, Black Friday, or a promotion before launching your business!

Who can use this feature?

Access to discount codes is available with the Banyan and Redwood Punchpass plans. ​

How to Create Discounts

Creating discount codes is a two-step process! First, you'll define what the code is and then define the eligible offers.

Please note:

  • Discounts cannot be created for sliding scale passes.

  • If you plan to create a discount code for a specific amount off and your prices include taxes, the system calculates the discount based on the pre-tax amount of each pass. The tax is then applied to the final price after the discount is deducted.

1. Define the Discount Code

Go to Manage > Settings > Discount & Gift Codes. Then you can click the + New Discount Code button to get started.

And then define the discount code in the pop-up window.

These are the options for creating a discount code:

  • What code should customers use? Discounts must be one word. It will be capitalized, though your customers can enter them lowercase. Discount codes must be made up of letters and numbers only. Special characters such as "&" are not supported!

  • Type of discount. You can select whether you want to offer a Percentage or a Fixed Amount. Discounts can be up to 100%, so you can offer free passes too.

  • Expiration date (optional); however, discount codes for ticketed classes or series should have an expiration date one day after the ticketed event. If the event is on April 24, make the expiration date April 25.

  • How should this discount be applied to a membership?

    • First Membership Pass Discount: Discounts can be configured to apply only to the first paid membership pass. This option is selected by default.

      If a membership has a free trial period, the discount will apply to the paid pass created when the trial membership pass ends.

    • All Membership Passes Discount: Discounts can also be set to apply to all passes issued by the membership.

    • If your discount is not eligible for memberships, please ignore this question.

  • Number of redemptions. You can limit the number of redemptions, however, you cannot limit the number of times an individual redeems a discount code.

  • Limit 1 per customer. If you want this discount to only be redeemable 1 time per each customer, toggle this setting on!

2. Adjust the Eligible Offers​ for the Discount

Once the discount code has been created, you’ll then want to update and review the eligible offers.

Please note: By default, a discount is eligible for all offers when it is first created. Please make sure to review the eligible offers for the discount code.

To change the passes, memberships, ticketed series, and ticketed classes a discount code might be applied to, click on the name of the discount to edit.

This takes you to the Edit Discount Code page. Press the Change Eligible Passes/ Classes button.

At the top, you’ll find the Select All and Clear All buttons. Use the checkboxes to update the eligible offers for the discount code. Press Save.

For example, for a discount code that’s only eligible for memberships, you’ll select the corresponding offers and press Save.

How to Manage and Edit Discounts

Once you have a discount created, you’ll find it listed on Manage > Settings > Discounts & Gift Codes. Active, Expired, and Full Discount codes will be separated within different tabs to make it easier to find the code you need.

Click on the Redemptions column to see the list of customer purchases using that code.

You're able to review a report listing who redeemed a discount code by clicking on the number of redemptions

Updating an Existing Discount Code​

To edit a discount, from Manage > Settings > Discounts & Gift Codes and navigate to the correct tab (Active/Expired/Full). Click on the name of the discount code to open the Edit Discount Code page:

This takes you to the Edit Discount code page where you can make changes to the particulars of a discount code.

Updating the Details of a Discount Code

You have the option to change the amount, the type of discount, the expiration date, how this discount might be applied to a membership, and the number of redemptions.

Note: As of June 2024, there is now an option to apply a discount code to memberships.

To update an existing discount to be eligible for memberships, please select one of the following options for how a discount should be applied to memberships:

  • First Membership Pass Discount: Discounts can be configured to apply only to the first paid membership pass. This option is selected by default.

    If a membership has a free trial period, the discount will apply to the paid pass created when the trial membership pass ends.

  • All Membership Passes Discount: Discounts can also be set to apply to all passes issued by the membership.

  • If your discount is not eligible for memberships, please ignore this question.

Changing the Eligible Classes

To change which offers are eligible for a discount code, click the Change Eligible Passes/Classes button, select the appropriate offers to update and press Save!

Select the appropriate offers for your discount and press Save!

To delete or deactivate a discount. Click on the name and at the bottom of the page, you may delete Discounts that have never been redeemed, and only deactivate ones that have.

Reviewing Discount Codes in Customer Accounts

You'll also see the discount code used on the purchase in the customer's account:

How Customers Claim Discount Codes

If the pass, membership, ticketed series, or ticketed class, has an eligible discount code, Punchpass will show the Discount code field on the purchase page at checkout.

Customers can enter the discount, and click Apply Discount to confirm the code is valid. Punchpass will display the new price, along with the discount amount.

Helpful Tips for Discount Codes

How do discount codes work with cash and other payment methods for memberships?

You can assign a membership and now you have the option to apply a discount code. Membership offers are not compatible with Square.

Please follow this guide for tracking membership payments paid with something other than Stripe.

Should I set an expiration date for a discount code?

To encourage the legitimate use of discount codes, we recommend setting the expiration date or setting a redemption limit. You can also mark a discount as inactive at any time.

Can I share a link to an offer that includes the discount code?

Yes, you can do that! Click here for more information

I accidentally created a membership discount code that's eligible only for the first pass when it should be eligible for all of the membership passes, what can I do?

If you created a discount that was initially set to apply only to the first pass, you can update the discount code settings to make it eligible for all membership passes and press Save.

For any active memberships using this discount code, the updated settings will also be applied to subsequent passes on that membership—provided the discount code remains active on the current membership and has not been removed. No further changes should be needed!

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