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Customer Health Status Information

Keeping important customer health notes within reach

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over 6 months ago

When taking attendance in Punchpass, your instructors can see any health information that has been added to customer accounts.

Adding health information to customer accounts

As an Administrator, you can enter health information into your customer accounts, and if you allow customers to create logins, your customers can enter this information for themselves as well.

Health information added to customer accounts is visible to instructors, administrators, and the customer. This information can be added and updated at any time.

Have your customers enter their health information

Customers can enter their health information into their accounts by navigating to the My Profile section.

They'll enter the information into the Health section and press Update Account to save.

How your team can add customer health information

As an Administrator, you can add health information for any of your customers.

From the customer account, select the Info tab.

On this screen, you'll see the customer information as well as options to:

1. Edit Info. This allows you to update or enter their health status information. The health status information is visible to both you and the customer.

2. Flag Customer. You might wish to use this option if you're calling attention to the customer for special handling. Adding a flag to a customer account is only visible to administrators.
3. Add notes to the customer account. Notes added to the customer account are visible only to your team.

To update or enter health statuses for your customers, press the Edit Info button, enter the information into the Health Status field, and press Save.

Review health information when taking attendance

Now the instructor can see any issues in that class at a glance.

Before attendance is taken, the class details page will show a flag icon next to the customer name, if you've attached a flag to the customer account. Hovering over the icon details the note.

The health concerns icon will show up next to the customer's name during attendance. At the bottom of the page, the Health Statuses section includes the information provided in the customer account.

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