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Configuring Online Reservations
Configuring Online Reservations

Where to adjust online reservation settings.

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a year ago

Online Reservations in Punchpass give you a lot of control over how your business accepts reservations. This article will explain where to go to configure reservations.

Where To Configure: Two places have settings that affect class reservations, the Online Reservations section (Manage Settings > Online Reservations) and your classes (Manage Classes).

Setting your Online Reservation Preferences

Settings you elect in the Online Reservations section of your account impact all of your classes.

To make any changes, navigate to Manage Settings > Online Reservations.

Note: Your options might vary from the screenshot below depending on what plan you have!

Here are some of the settings you can adjust for all of your classes in the Online Reservations section:

  • Forcing customers to sign a waiver before making class reservations (select plans only),

  • Limiting class reservations to visits purchased,

  • Your booking preferences,

  • Waitlist settings (select plans only)

Managing the Class Reservation Settings

You can also control the online reservation settings for each class.

Here are a few examples of situations where you might prefer to use the class settings:

  • Want to eliminate a customer having to log in to register for a certain class or series?

  • Prefer a pass be required to register for only some classes?

  • How many days in advance should someone be able to make a reservation?

To make adjustments to your class settings, navigate to Manage Classes > Click On Class Name > Edit Class

These are some of the individual class settings you can adjust:

  • Are reservations allowed for this class? To allow customers to make online reservations toggle on the option to accept reservations for the class.

  • Want to send an email reminder? If you turn this setting on, Punchpass will send an email reminder either 1, 2, or 3 days ahead of class per your selection in the Online Reservations section of your account.

  • How many people? Classes in Punchpass don't have to have a limit, but if you limit class size, you'll want to toggle on this option so you can select the number of students.

  • Is there a waitlist? See our guide to configuring waitlists.

  • Do you want to require an active pass to book?

  • Whether to allow customers to cancel their reservation for this class.

  • How many days into the future can someone make a reservation for this class? Define your reservation settings for the class. Each class has this option and the setting can be different for each class.

Next Steps

With your class defined and online reservation setting in place, you might find these guides on managing your class schedule helpful.

Learn more about managing your class schedule in Punchpass

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