The Instructor Report gives you class attendance totals and averages for each of your instructors.
Note: Accessing the Reports section of Punchpass requires users to have Admin-level access.
At a high-level, you'll see each instructor's total number of classes taught & how many students in each class.
This report is often used to calculate instructor pay.
Next Steps
If you'd like even more detail, click on an instructor's name.
Exploring the Different Views of the Instructor Report
Here you'll see enrollment numbers for each individual class time that the instructor has taught, as well as Monthly and Weekly Details.
The Summary by Class Taught view of the Instructor Report
An overview of all of the classes an instructor has taught.
Keep on clicking through the tabs to see increasing detail about an instructor's activity.
The All Classes Taught view of the Instructor Report
This version of the report allows you to see all of the classes taught and the enrollment numbers for a specific time frame.
The Monthly and Weekly views of the Instructor Report
These provide a summary of the total number of classes an instructor was scheduled for and the average number of attendances.
The monthly view:
The weekly view: