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Can I create a new customer intake form?
Can I create a new customer intake form?

Using Custom Fields and Forms to Collect Customer Data

Victoria avatar
Written by Victoria
Updated over a week ago

Custom Fields and Forms allow you to collect data from new and existing customers to help improve your customer experience and marketing capabilities! You can set up custom requirements for your customers to enter, or enter manually from the admin side. By creating a form, you can require new customers to fill out information important for you to know, or ask existing customers for more information with this customizable feature!

Note: These features are only available on the Redwood plan. You can click here to review your current plan and make changes, or contact support if you have any questions.

In this guide we'll cover:

Getting Started

When setting up a form or questionnaire for your customers to complete, you'll first need to define the questions you'd like to ask.

We've created a set of questions you can use, but you can also create custom questions or fields of information to ask.

These are the built-in options or default fields, we've created for you to quickly add to your form:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Password

  • Birthday

  • Phone

  • Street Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Country

  • Emergency Contact Name

  • Health Status

  • Referral source

  • Pronouns

Then, the Custom Fields give you 10 additional fields to create your own personalized fields for customers to fill out! For example:

  • Covid Vaccine Status

  • Pregnancy Due Date

  • Emergency Contact Phone Number

  • Shoe Size

  • Reason for joining

  • Specific Health Questions

  • Child’s Name

  • Child’s Age

  • Sign up for the mailing list

  • Anything you wish to ask!!!

Let’s walk through creating four Custom Fields and then building a New Customer Intake Form!

Define your Questions: Creating the Custom Fields

Defining your personalized questions to ask customers to fill out.

First, we’ll make a Custom Field asking users if they wish to join the mailing list:

  1. Head to Manage Settings > Custom Fields & Forms

  2. Click New Custom Field

  3. Under the Unique Label field, enter “Would you like to be added to our mailing list?”

  4. We can add an additional description for this field, or leave it blank

  5. For Data Type, we see options for

    1. Numeric (numbers only!)

    2. yes/no

    3. Text (all characters welcome!)

    4. Date

    5. Time

    6. List

      • We will select yes/no!

Let’s create another custom field, this time let’s create a text option for collecting a child’s name:

  1. Click New Custom Field

  2. Under the Unique Label field, we’ll enter “Child’s Name”

  3. Under the additional description field, we’ll enter “If you are signing up for your child to attend classes, please enter their name here.”

  4. For Data Type, we’ll select Text

And finally, for our custom fields, we’ll create one for the child’s age

  1. Click New Custom Field

  2. Under the Unique Label field, we’ll enter “Child’s Age”

  3. Under the additional description field, we’ll enter “If you are signing up for your child to attend classes, please enter their age here.”

  4. For Data Type, we’ll select Numeric (numbers only)

    Please note: If selecting Numeric, you'll want to write a description to let your customers know that only numbers can be entered.

Creating a List Question - Using Catalogs

Would you like to ask your customers to select an option from a list of possibilities? We call this data type a list.

When you have a list of data that you want your customer to select an answer from, this is when you will need to use the Catalogs feature.

For this example, let’s say we have a benefit for our instructors if they refer a new customer, so we want to create a list of our instructors for customers to choose from.

  1. Click Manage Catalogs

  2. Click +New Custom Field Catalog

  3. Enter the Catalog name. For this example, Instructors.

  4. Enter the list, separated by commas and click Create Custom Catalog

  5. Review the fields to make sure you entered them correctly, and then click Manage Custom Fields & Forms to return to the main custom forms page

  6. Click New Custom Field

  7. Under the Unique Label field, we’ll enter “Which instructor referred you?”

  8. For Data Type, we’ll select List

  9. Then under Catalog, select Instructors to use the Catalog we created!

Creating a New Customer/Intake Form

Now that we have the custom fields we may wish to include in our form, let’s create our form!

  1. Under Manage Settings > Custom Fields & Forms, click New Custom Form.

  2. Here you can create an intake form for new sign ups or a form for existing customers to fill out. In this case, we’ll choose New Customer Onboarding and click Next.

  3. Create a name for your form.

  4. Option to create a custom URL for the form, using only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.

  5. Option to add additional description of the form or directions to your customers.

  6. Option to add a custom success message once customers complete the form.

  7. Now we can scroll down and enter the fields we wish to include in the form!

    1. Select Source

      1. Customer for default fields

      2. Custom fields for the existing custom fields you already created

    2. Select Field

      1. List will display defaults or custom fields based on the Source selected.

        The Customer fields reflect the defaults:

        The Custom Fields will reflect what you have entered previously:

    3. Choose whether to require the customer to fill out the field or not

    4. Click Add Field

    5. Continue until you have the fields you wish to include in the form

  8. Click Create Custom Form to finish!

Now, customers will be required to fill out the form after they click Create Account from your Public Schedule:

How Customers Complete Intake Forms

From the top of your public schedule, a customer will press the Create Account button and complete the account creation form.

After pressing the Create Account button, they'll be taken to your published intake form to fill out.

Note: When creating an account, everyone is sent an email to confirm their customer account. We show a notice at the top of the page to remind them.

After submitting the completed intake form, the customer will see the success message.

Making Changes to a Custom Form

From Manage Settings > Custom Fields & Forms, scroll down to the Custom Forms section and select the name of the form to open up the Edit page.

This takes you to the form Edit page, where you can change form details, update the success message, reorder the questions, and also change the status of the form from published (active) to draft (inactive) or delete it.

Search Custom Form Responses

As customers fill out the form, you can search and find your custom field data within the Customers by clicking on the Custom Fields Search button:

Here you’ll find the list of your customers and the fields they entered. To make viewing and contacting customers easier, you can select a field to search by:

Then depending on the type of field, you can set a setting to match, for instance:

Would you like to be added to the mailing list? Is equal to YES. This way, I can pull everyone who wished to be added to the mailing list. I’ll click Apply Filters to run this simple search:

Now I can use the selection tool to select my customers and email them:

For a more advanced search, you can select more than one field to search for!

Once you add an additional field, you can decide to make the search Option (either/or) or Inclusive (and).

Select the Sort By field and Sort Order as Ascending/Descending to determining the order in which the results are displayed.

You can also always export your data at any time if you wish to open and use the data in a spreadsheets tool!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many forms can be active?

You can now save as many intake forms as you want but only 3 can be in 'published' status, we support a new 'draft' status so you can create a form and go back at it again to make changes before it is actually live for customers:

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