Need to update the email address for an admin account? While you can't change the email directly, it's easy to switch to a new one by creating a new admin account and removing the old one. Just follow these steps!
Who can make this change?
Admin level users can create and modify other user accounts.
Steps to Update an Admin Email Address
Sign into your Punchpass admin user account.
Click on the My Account link. On a desktop, click on your name to open the dropdown with this option. On a phone, you'll see the My Account link listed as an option.
Change your email address. In the pop-up window, you'll replace the exisiting email address for your account with your new, preferred email address.
Confirm the change of email address. Please check your email for Account Confirmation Instructions. This email will be sent to your new email address for the account. Click the the Confirm My Account button.
Email address changed! After confirming your new email address, we'll confirm the change in Punchpass and your account is now updated.
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