Punchpass is a web application - all you need is a web-connected device and a browser.
No software to manage or install - we take care of all the updates
Your data is securely backed up every day
Access Punchpass while you're on the go
There is never any data stored on your device, so it's safe if you ever lose or break it.
How Punchpass Stores your Data
Punchpass is hosted in Amazon.com's data centers. Daily backups are done and we are notified if for any reason a backup did not run.
Backing up your own data
We definitely recommend downloading your own data from time-to-time.
There are buttons to export your information from the Customers pages, the All Pass Purchases page, and most reports.
To download an export, from each of the reports, press the Export as CSV button. An email will then be sent to you with a link to download a spreadsheet of the report.
βWhen backing up your information we recommend that you include these reports at a minimum:
The Active Customers list,
Pass Purchases,
Attendance reports,
and the Active Pass overview.