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How to send a reservation confirmation email
How to send a reservation confirmation email

Was a reservation email not received? Need to send another reservation confirmation email?

Leah avatar
Written by Leah
Updated over a week ago

Is a customer asking you to resend their reservation email? No problem!

With Punchpass you can resend customer reservation emails from a couple of places.

Ways to send a class reservation confirmation email (again!)

Resend reservation emails from the customer account

You can resend the Reservation Confirmation email in a couple of places within the customer account: the Reservations in Upcoming Classes section and if the customer has a reservation in a series, from the Series Reservations section too.

In the Reservations in Upcoming Classes section, click the three-dot icon next to the class time, and select Resend Reservation Confirmation Email to send the email again.

In the Series Reservations section, click the Actions menu, and select Resend Reservation Confirmation Email to send the email again.

Resend reservation emails from the class details page

You can also resend reservation emails from each class.

Here's how to do that:

Navigate to the class details page and click on the three-dot icon to the left of the customer name, and then press the Resend Email button.

Punchpass will display a confirmation message that the email was sent to the customer.

And the customer will receive a message with the subject "Class Registration Received..."

Setting up automated reservation confirmation emails for a class

Each class in Punchpass has a setting to send out the email confirmation. From Manage Classes, select the class, and press Edit to update the settings.

Once you've made the changes to your reservation settings, press Save.

For more information about sending reservation reminders and how to track them, please see this article.

Interested in other ways Punchpass can notify your customers? Please see our guide to setting up email notifications in Punchpass.

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